Premium Local Marketplace.
Safe Vehicle Test Drives.
Safe Vehicle Test Drives.
Secure in-person Transactions.
Secure in-person Transactions.
A white suv is parked on the grass.

Private sellers and buyers who connect on Conttrol's premium platform, or other online marketplaces, ensure safety and authenticity by scheduling an appointment for a safe test drive or in-person transaction, when it's time to test drive a vehicle or buy/sell an item in person. The Conttrol marketplace is exclusively for vehicles & high-end items, and private sellers can always post for free. Conttrol's offices are staffed by trained, certified security professionals, and monitored by law enforcement, for the comprehensive security of our premium clientele.

Buyers: Find your desired vehicle or premium item. Then schedule a secured test drive or in-person transaction.

Sellers: Post your available vehicle or premium item. Then schedule a safe test drive or in-person transaction.

Schedule A Safe Vehicle Test Drive

Let our certified security professional accompany your test drive, while a uniformed police officer monitors the process. Schedule an appointment today.

Click here for the Do’s and Don’ts of Safe Vehicle Test Drives
A person driving in the car with their hands on the steering wheel.

Schedule A Safe Vehicle Test Drive

Let our certified security professional accompany your test drive, while a uniformed police officer monitors the process. Schedule an appointment today.

A person driving in the car with their hands on the steering wheel.
Click here for the Do’s and Don’ts of Safe Vehicle Test Drives

Schedule A Secure In-Person Transaction

When buying or selling high end valuables in person, ensure your personal safety and avoid scammers by conducting your transaction at a local Conttrol office. A certified security professional will monitor your transaction, and a police officer is always on site. Schedule an appointment today.

Schedule A Secure In-Person Transaction

When buying or selling high end valuables in person, ensure your personal safety and avoid scammers by conducting your transaction at a local Conttrol office. A certified security professional will monitor your transaction, and a police officer is always on site. Schedule an appointment today.

Our Partners

Our Service

Conttrol is a unique technology platform designed to facilitate safe vehicle test drives and in-person transactions... read more

Our Mission

In an age of high rates of property crimes and violent crimes in cities and towns, and accelerating rates scams and fraud on the internet, Conttrol is on a mission to eliminate those risks to personal transactions.... read more

Our Team

Each Conttrol office is operated by trained, certified, verified security professionals, and monitored by a uniformed police officer... read more